This Home Program was initiated because chicken grow up to be one of the most useful resources for poor families. Chicken are resourceful in that:

  1. Their eggs are a source of the much needed nutrition for the family.
  2. Eggs can be sold during market days and add extra income for the family.
  3. The eggs can produce more chicken.
  4. The droppings can be used as fertilizer for the home vegetable garden.

A poor family is provided six chicken, a small chicken coop and two months worth of chicken marsh feed. The program also includes training on raring the chicken and follow-up of the families welfare.

The chicken are fast maturing and after two months can be released from the coop to fend for themselves.

By supporting this project you will be able to alleviate a needy family and enable it to be independent.

To support this program; 10 women with dependant families require an initial capital of Ksh 50,000/- [USD 500]

Help Us Do More!

Make a Donation to St. Michael Community Centre and Make a change in the lives of Vulnerable Orphans in Murang’a
