Yes! Youth Program:
Murang’a County is among areas in Central Province worst affected by alcohol and drug abuse especially among the youth. Alcohol consumption amongst school going students has increased drastically.
Poverty, a lack of civic education and youth unemployment increase the risk of youth engaging in such behaviours and debauchery.
At St. Michael Community Centre is concerned that school going children are picking up these habits and ultimately get into alcohol addiction to the detriment of the their health, personal relationships, and social standing.
We endeavor to help youth transform their own lives from active addiction to freedom.
School-based and open youth drug and alcohol prevention programs include teaching students:-
- On how to resist Peer influence,
- How to reach to others and youth led drug prevention programs,
- On effects and dangers of substance abuse.
Once we get partners to support the same we can escalate the program towards :
- Screening for drug and alcohol abuse
- Drug testing
- Recovery skills